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Fusion av ETFer noterade på Oslo Børs - Axier.SE
Lær deg hvordan det fungerer XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) | Oslo Bors: | Oslo Bors 2021-03-22 All informasjon om XACT OBX Bear: Innehav, utvikling, risiko og rangering. Sammenlign 1500 børshandlede fond hos Nordnet. Bli kunde og handle i dag. 2020-10-30 XACT OBX Bear (UCITS ETF) Gearing. OBX®-index med 200% inverse forandring på daglig basis Xact OMXS30 is today our largets ETF in terms of asset under management. Important information Products and services in these webpages may not be available for residents of certain nations.Please consult your local branch office or institutional sales for further information. DNB OBX Derivat Bear is an Exchange Traded Fund listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
Børs over en 6 måneders periode og All information om XACT OBX Bear: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg. Jämför över 1500 börshandlade fonder hos Nordnet. Bli kund och handla idag. XACT OBX BEAR E Share - interactive chart. View up to the past 5 years of activity and compare this to other securities. XACT BEAR (ETF) · XACT BEAR 2 (ETF) · XACT BULL (ETF) · XACT BULL 2 ( ETF) · XACT Norden (UCITS ETF) · XACT Nordic High Dividend Low Volatility List of Xact ETFs: fact sheets, charts, performances, flows, ratings, AuMs, replication http://en.xact.se/ XACT OBX Bear UCITS ETF - NOK SE0009723000.
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OBXEXDBEAR: Xact OBX Bear UCITS ETF - Miljonstugan
Investor er inkludert + Kortsiktige grafer og analyser ⓘ Analyser på kort sikt, 1-6 uker investeringshorisont. Les mer XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) 0GGX Overview - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals Handelsbanken Fonder AB gjennomførte onsdag en innløsning i fondet XACT OBX Bear på 150 000 andeler til en verdi av NOK 4 056 330. Det opplyses i en børsmelding onsdag.
Bli kund och handla idag. OBXXD | A complete XACT OBX Bear ETF exchange traded fund overview by MarketWatch. View the latest ETF prices and news for better ETF investing.
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Emisjon i XACT OBX Bear: 08 jan. Innløsning i XACT OBX Bear: 21 okt. 2020: Innløsning i XACT OBX Bear: 12 Kan bli fin denne nå, 25 september startet nedturen i 2018 ;) XACT OBX Bear OBXEXDBEAR + 1.06 %1,.. All information om XACT BULL: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg.
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XACT OBX Bear UCITS ETF - Handla i börshandlade fonder
Det opplyses i en børsdag, stiger XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) med cirka. 2%. Indeksen består av det 25 mest omsatte aksjene på Oslo. Børs over en 6 måneders periode og All information om XACT OBX Bear: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg.
Fusion av ETFer noterade på Oslo Børs - Axier.SE
Important information Products and services in these webpages may not be available for residents of certain nations.Please consult your local branch office or institutional sales for further information. DNB OBX Derivat Bear is an Exchange Traded Fund listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The Fund aims to achieve a daily return twice the inverse daily return of the OBX-index.
Dow adds 100+ points, or 0.5%, to reach fresh record high, while Nasdaq drops 1.7% with tech stocks pressured XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for share XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) | Oslo Bors: | Oslo Bors XACT OBX BEAR (UCITS ETF) 3 m 6 m 1 y 3 y 5 y-19.5-32.8-36.0-53.8-79.7: Performance Criteria. Performance as at 25/02/2021. Performance figures are shown in Pound sterling (GBP).