bruttoinkomst - English translation – Linguee
BRUTTO - Translation in English -
(cattivo) (gen) bad. bruto. noun. brute [noun] an animal other than man. brute [noun] a cruel person.
It's like "Super cool!" it's slang, only teenagers use that phrase |significa: va bene/ è giusto/ è coerente/ mi piace/ è In its specific commercial meaning the term brutto occurs in Italian in the 14th century.8. Another notable point is that even the word sporco (= dirty) in its original 26 Feb 2018 My goal with Il Brutto is to bring authentic Italian cuisine to Austin. Authentic, meaning there is no interpretation—this is what you would eat in Look up the Polish to English translation of cena brutto in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Need to translate "brutto" from Italian? Here are 10 possible meanings. 27 Nov 2010 And when I say wide, I mean over-the-top wide.
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If it is an online Italian to English translator you need, you have just found the best Italian to English translator around, and it is free! Babylon, the world's leading provider of language solutions, puts at your disposal an automatic translator for instant Italian to English translation of single words and phrases.
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27 Nov 2010 And when I say wide, I mean over-the-top wide. Like you're trying to catch flies with your mouth.
expand_more You think it's something painful, or scary, or nasty. brutto (also: terribile, atroce, brutta, sgradevole, boia, formidabile, birbona, birbone)
il lato brutto; avere un brutto effetto su; brutto muso, at muso; un brutto affare, at affare; avere un brutto male, at male; giocare un brutto scherzo, at giocare; Che (brutto / bell’) elemento!, at elemento; See all meanings
2021-03-21 · From Italian brutto. Adverb . brutto. gross (e.g. weight) Derived terms .
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homely [adjective] (American) (of a person) not attractive; ugly. nasty [adjective] wicked; evil. nasty [adjective] (of weather) very poor, cold, rainy etc. nasty [adjective] (of a wound, cut etc) serious.
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BRUTTO - Translation in English -
Total gross: Swedish translation, definition, meaning
Bruto sm Brutus. Translation Italian - English Collins Dictionary. See also: Bruto, brutto, barbuto, bruco. " bruto ": examples and translations in context. How to Say "Bad" in Italian - Cattivo vs Brutto Meaning in Italian | Italian Vocabulary Lessons //// Do you want to take your Italian to the next level?
brutto. English Translation. ugly. More meanings for brutto. bad noun. male, cattivo, difettoso, rovina, grave, scadente, dannoso. ugly adjective.