Bioscience - University of Skövde - Högskolan i Skövde


Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology

Bachelor's level requirements. In order to be eligible for bachelor's courses and programmes taught in English, you must meet the general and specific entry requirements. We use cookies on By continuing to use this site you accept the use of cookies.

Bachelor programme

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Here at, Sweden's universities have provided us with their course and programme listings which we make available as a searchable database. You can for example search: for a specific programme or course, for courses in a specific subject area, in various regions of Sweden Bachelor's programmes International Relations. Global contexts, processes and institutions are playing an increasingly important role for Software Engineering and Management. Software engineers and software managers will have a key role in all aspects of Music, Classical Performance. Chamber Prosthetics and Orthotics, BSc. 180 Credits |Bachelor. Sustainable Enterprise Development, Bachelor programme. 180 Credits |Bachelor.

Bachelor's Programmes - Stockholm University

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) The Bachelor's Programme in Game Design and Graphics gives you the tools to work with the game medium on a professional level and equips you to develop new expressions within the field. The programme specialises in producing art for game development. The language of instruction in our Bachelor's degree programmes is Swedish. Usually, you start your studies with some compulsory courses, then you chose from our eligible courses and finish with a Bachelor's degree project.

Bachelor programme

Stockholms konstnärliga högskola - Apply for the Bachelor's

This major gives you competence in engineering design,  The bachelor's degree (180 ECTS) is composed of basic studies of the programme (65 ECTS mathematics, programming, industrial engineering  Photo for Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics 2021/2022. This programme is taught in Swedish. There is no information in English. Skriv ut sida. In the three-year undergraduate level (for a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts) you can choose between seven different programmes.

Bachelor programme

Konstnärligt kandidatprogram i musik, inriktning musik- och  Library and Information Science - Bachelor Programme, 180 Credits. Swedish name: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap - kandidatprogram. This programme  A broad range of knowledge is required to develop advanced computer software systems. Besides knowledge about programming you need to understand how  International programmes. favorite_border Save. Listen. Mid Sweden University offers a range of high-quality international programmes taught in English.
Vad är mitokondrie dna

Bachelor programme

If you don't find what you are looking for here, discover our other study options in English below at Study Search. On this website you will find a brief description of the rules for applicants with foreign diplomas who wish to apply for admission to a full bachelor's degree programme … The Bachelor’s programmes at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies are interdisciplinary programmes of 180 credits leading to a Bachelor’s degree.

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Bachelor's programme teaching specialising in Advanced Catholic Religious Education for Primary Level Bachelor's programme teaching specialising in Inclusive Education with a focus on Disability Bachelor's programme teaching subject Biology and Environmental Education The Biomedicine Programme gives you the opportunity to continue in many areas after your Bachelor’s degree. You will become a specialist in biomedical problem-solving and acting as an important link between new biological knowledge and practical medical use. The bachelor of fine, applied and performing arts prepares the students for further artistic studies at Master level.

What kind of programmes does the University of Skövde offer?

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