Robin Clapp - Reporting Officer, HQ - European Union


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The total EU assistance to Armenia amounts to over €500 million since 1992 and the annual support has been growing progressively over the years. The budget for Armenia under the Single Support Framework 2014-2017 will range from €140 million to a maximum of €170 million, depending on the country’s needs and commitment to reforms. The EU will increase its financial assistance to Armenia by 20-25%, head of the EU delegation to Armenia Piotr Switalski told the reporters today. “An essential increase of funding for Armenia is expected,” Switalski said, adding that the EU highly evaluates the process of democratic and other reforms in Armenia. The European Union is Armenia's second-largest trade partner accounting for roughly 22% and about 20% of Armenia’s total exports and imports, respectively. Meanwhile, from 2017 to 2020, EU assistance to Armenia amounted to €176 million.

Eu assistance to armenia

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The fourth, EU assistance to Armenia is a sign that Yerevan wants to have the best of both worlds in a geopolitical sense. Although you would not notice it in Western reporting, Armenia has been a long-term Russian ally since the disintegration of the USSR in the early 1990s. This week, an emergency medical team of 11 doctors and nurses from Italy are preparing for their mission to Armenia, supported by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.The medical staff will provide further assistance in addition to last week's deployed healthcare workers from Lithuania. Pashinian hit out at the EU on Thursday after meeting the 28-nation bloc’s top officials, including European Council President Donald Tusk, in Brussels.

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7 Oct 2020 Turkey has publicly backed Azerbaijan in the conflict and said it was ready to provide military assistance, should Azerbaijan request it. Story  7 Jun 2019 EU increases financial aid for Armenia The European Union has increased funding for reforms in Armenia. “In 2019, EU support will amount to  13 Jun 2019 Highlights of the EU-Armenia Partnership Council, taking place on 13 June 2019 in Brussels.

Eu assistance to armenia

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Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Armenia. Proshyan Street. Tel: +37410546494. THE EU OPEN DATA PORTAL CARES ABOUT YOUR OPINION. TAKE A FEW MINUTES TO FILL THIS SURVEY AND HELP US TO IMPROVE OUR SERVICES.

Eu assistance to armenia

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Eu assistance to armenia

Świtalski noted that the EU assistance to Armenia has increased by one quarter in the current year and said this attests to the prospects and possibilities for further expansion of Armenia-EU relations, press office of the government informed Armenian News … 2019-03-06 The European Commission is to review the amount of financial assistance it sends to Armenia following criticism from the country’s prime minister Nikol Pashinyan (above, left), made in Brussels after his meeting with Vice-President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini (above, right). Brief report on Armenia-EU relations .

The European Union is the largest donor of financial assistance to Armenia and is its main partner in the implementation of the reform, allocating an average of 1 million euros per week to finance improved governance, strengthened economy, deepened ties and human contacts. EU grants Armenia an exceptional financial assistance. The European Union (EU) announced in Yerevan that it would grant Armenia exceptional macro financial assistance to help it reduce its debt burden. This assistance will take the form of grants and loans and bring total funding for EU assistance to Armenia up to more than ECU 200 million since its independence.
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Public opinion – The average amount of annual assistance to Armenia has totaled €35 million euros, whereas this year it will reach €70 million.

Furthermore, the EU is also coordinating the offer of protective facemasks and other essential equipment from Denmark to Georgia. – Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan on Friday met with Ambassador Piotr Świtalski, Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Armenia. Świtalski noted that the EU assistance to Armenia has increased by one quarter in the current year and said this attests to the prospects and possibilities for further expansion of Armenia-EU relations, press office of the government informed Armenian As for the spheres to get financial assistance, the agreement states that the financial support will be directed to areas laid down in annual action programmes in the framework of the EU-RA cooperation, taking into consideration "the Republic of Armenia's needs, sector capacities and progress with reforms, in particular in areas covered by this Agreement." The European Commission is to review the amount of financial assistance it sends to Armenia following criticism from the country’s prime minister Nikol Pashinyan (above, left), made in Brussels after his meeting with Vice-President of the European Commission and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini (above, right).