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Du får också tillgång till fler nyttiga tips och tricks via vårt kundforum - Customer Community. SuperOffice CRM Vår passion för kundvård har gjort SuperOffice till en av Europas ledande leverantörer av CRM-lösningar på B2B-marknaden. Vår prisbelönta programvara stöder den enskilde användaren att uppnå en ökad produktivitet inom försäljning, marknadsföring och kundservice. Discover new product features, apps, and keep up-to-date on all SuperOffice and partner news. You do not have access to this page.

Superoffice online support

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Vårt support-team står klare til å hjelpe superbrukerne dine med å finne de riktige online-ressursene og svare på tekniske spørsmål. Ta gjerne kontakt for å få mer informasjon om vår supporttjeneste og lokal brukerstøtte. SuperOffice er prisvindende CRM-software, som 150.000 har valgt og bruger hver eneste dag. Bestil og få de første 30 dage gratis. The following entities are supported for synchronization to SalesScreen: Sales, Contacts, Persons, Appointments, Documents and Projects. Prerequisites. There   Seamless two-way sync between SuperOffice CRM Online and your calendar.

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Vraag een free trial aan en test 30 dagen gratis. Oppdag fantastiske nye funksjoner og programmer som kommer din vei og hold deg oppdatert på alle andre SuperOffice- og partnernyheter. SuperOffice is a comprehensive CRM suite designed to unite Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service into one platform, so that everyone is connected, informed and empowered to work more effectively.

Superoffice online support

SuperOffice polgate.se

Discover new product features, apps, and keep up-to-date on all SuperOffice and partner news. You do not have access to this page. Copyright SuperOffice AS 2020 SuperOffice Online automatically import e-mails, which were created in the last 60 days.

Superoffice online support

The way that companies  Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan. Med livechatt får du ett ännu enklare sätt att kommunicera på med dina kunder, som är snabbare än e-post och effektivare än telefonsamtal. Livechatt bidrar till  Antalet kunder som använder livechatt framför telefon eller e-postsupport har sedan Företag som investerar i livechatt-support gör detta för att skapa en bra  Amestos telefoniintegration stöder SuperOffice CRM Online, SuperOffice WEB och SuperOffice Windows-klient och kan självklart användas med både Sales och  eMarketeer is your complete online marketing platform. While we support lively, open discussion, we reserve the right to delete comments at our discretion.
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Superoffice online support

Kontakta teamet hos SuperOffice The Support consultant advised you to use the Download tool. Click on the following link to download a Download tool: https://online.superoffice.com/Download/Tool ; Double-click the file and then click on the Login button. This will populate the login dialog, enter your SuperOffice credentials (1) and click Next (2). SuperOffice är en molnbaserad CRM-plattform designad för att hjälpa dig att bygga och stärka relationer genom varje steg i kundresan.

Driven by a passion for customer relationship management, SuperOffice is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of CRM solutions to the business to business market. Our software supports the individual user in achieving stronger sales, marketing and customer service productivity.
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Support - SuperOffice. Please follow this FAQ, if you use SuperOffice Online, SuperOffice Onsite 8.5 R11 or newer version. Since 18th September 2019 we have closed down access for old versions of Web Tools for Windows for all Online users. The minimal required version is now 11.5. Click on SuperOffice Account (1), choose SuperOffice CRM (Web client) (2), click on the arrow next to Advanced settings, and in the URL for SuperOffice CRM (3) field copy your SuperOffice CRM URL address.

SuperOffice polgate.se

Phone +47 23 35 40 00. VAT no. 956753104. info@superoffice.com. Map. Privacy Statement © 2016-12-19 Back in 1989, it all started with one idea – to create a software which could support the needs of the sales person by making his everyday life easier – to make it so user-friendly and elegant that the user wanted to use it and not because he or she had to use it. Thus was born – SuperOffice. Instantly connect SuperOffice CRM with the apps you use everyday.

Prova SuperOffice CRM gratis i 30 dagar. 4 anledningar att prova SuperOffice CRM: · Funktionsbaserad prissättning (du betalar för det du använder) · Sömlös integrering med Office 365 och G-Suite · Tillgänglig på vilken enhet som helst - dator, mobil och surfplatta SuperOffice CRM Online is a hosted cloud service (software as a service). After you log in, you will be asked to install a SuperOffice plugin, called WebTools for document and email integration. That´s all. SuperOffice er en prisvinnende CRM-løsning som brukes av mer enn 150 000 mennesker, hver eneste dag. Prøv gratis i 30 dager.