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Where can I find my h-index? Karolinska Institutet
The following resources will calculate an h-index: Scopus. Web of Science. Google Scholar. Pure (MD Anderson Faculty and Fellows listed) Keep in mind that different databases will give different values for the h-index. h-indeksi on Jorge Hirschin vuonna 2005 esittelemä kvantitatiivinen mitta, jolla pyritään mittaamaan samanaikaisesti yksittäisen tutkijan julkaisutehokkuutta ja tuotettujen julkaisujen merkittävyyttä. Indeksiä kutsutaan joskus kehittäjänsä mukaan myös Hirschin luvuksi tai Hirschin indeksiksi. The h-index captures research output based on the total number of publications and the total number of citations to those works, providing a focused snapshot of an individual’s research performance.
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The h-index is then determined by the interception of the chart's diagonal with the citation data. What this page is about This list provides the h-index for series and/or journals: h is the number of articles or papers with at least h citations. For ranking purposes, ties are first broken with the numbers of items (articles or papers) then with the number of adjusted citations. Se hela listan på Hirschův index (také H-index či h-index) ve scientometrii udává, kolik článků daného autora dosahuje citovanosti vyšší, než je pořadové číslo článku dle počtu citací. Jde o jeden z indexů citačního ohlasu vědeckých článků , publikovaných jedním vědeckým pracovníkem. [1] H-index, også benævnt Hirsch index (efter opfinderen, fysikeren Jorge E. Hirsch), eller Highly Cited Index, blev introduceret i 2005.
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Basically, the H-index score is a standard scholarly metric in which the number of published papers, and the number of times their author is cited, is put into relation. The formula is based on the number of papers (H) that have been cited, and how often, compared to those that have not been cited (or cited as much).
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It was suggested by Jorge S. Hirsch and defined by him as follows: 'A scientist has index h if h of 26 Mar 2014 The h-index is an attempt to sum up a scholar in a single number that balances productivity and impact. Anna, our example, has an h-index of The H-index is an easily computable index, which gives an estimate of the importance, significance and broad impact of a scientist's cumulative research h-index is based on the set of the researchers most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications. i-10-index is the number 17 Dec 2020 What is an H-Index? From Web of Science: The h-index is indicated by an orange horizontal line going through 16 Apr 2020 The index h indicates that a researcher has published h articles that have been cited h or more times. Reference: Hirsch, J. E. (2005). The indices that are most-frequently used are the H-index (an author has a h- index of 'h' when they have h papers that have been cited h times at least).
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I mitt fall, enligt Googles H-index sätt att räkna, är mina mest inflytelserika publicerade verk flera läroböcker i systemidentifiering, spektralanalys
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What's your h-index? Help manage your career by validating your research profile on the world's largest
H-index är ett mått som används för att beskriva en forskares publikationer och dess genomslagskraft över tid. Det finns dock olika parametrar
Och på forskarnivå handlar det om att öka sitt eget H-index (se faktaruta), för att ha större chans att få forskningsmedel eller erhålla en tjänst. The h-index count and is based on a list of publications ranked in descending order by the Times Cited count. The h-index is indicated by an
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The h-index in the Citation Report reflects citations as of the most recent database update, so it could vary upon subsequent analyses. Calculating: A researcher (or a set of papers) has an h-index of N if he/she has published N papers that have N or more citations each.
30 Sep 2020 "It is defined as the highest number of publications of a scientist that received h or more citations each while the other publications have not more
Developed by Hirsch in 2005, the h-index gives a researcher a score which attempts to demonstrate both the productivity and citation impact of their publications
The h-index can be calculated by locating all published works in a specific database (such as Web of Science or Google Scholar) and organizing the works in
9 Jul 2020 Defined as the number of articles N by an author that have each received at least N citations, the h-index is limited by the total number of
29 May 2020 The h-index represents both the productivity and the impact of a particular scientist or scholar, or a group of scientists or scholars (such as a
8 Dec 2020 The h-index equals the number of papers (h) with a citation number greater than or equal to h.
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The higher the number of cited publications, the higher the h-index, regardless of which journal the work was published in. How is the h-index calculated on ResearchGate?
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Vad är h-index? h-index är ett mått som tar hänsyn till både produktivitet och inflytande i form av citeringar. Det kan beräknas för en samling publikationer, till exempel en enskild forskares produktion, en tidskrifts hela innehåll, eller alla publikationer från en forskargrupp. Se hela listan på 2021-03-10 · The h-index, or Hirsch index, measures the impact of a particular scientist rather than a journal. "It is defined as the highest number of publications of a scientist that received h or more citations each while the other publications have not more than h citations each." What is my H-index? Basically, the H-index score is a standard scholarly metric in which the number of published papers, and the number of times their author is cited, is put into relation.
That is, Top 5% Authors, h-index, as of March 2021 · What this page is about · Similar rankings · The rankings The h-index has become the most widely used of these indicators. It was suggested by Jorge S. Hirsch and defined by him as follows: 'A scientist has index h if h of 26 Mar 2014 The h-index is an attempt to sum up a scholar in a single number that balances productivity and impact. Anna, our example, has an h-index of The H-index is an easily computable index, which gives an estimate of the importance, significance and broad impact of a scientist's cumulative research h-index is based on the set of the researchers most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.