Oxygen Sensor Lambda Sensor 5 Wire 17025 Lsu 4.9 For Bosch


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Wideband/air-fuel sensors perform the same function as a regular O2 sensor, but they precisely measure the amount oxygen in the exhaust rather than just switching between rich (too much fuel, not enough oxygen) and lean (too much oxygen, not enough fuel). 22 Reviews for Bosch Automotive 17025 - Bosch Premium Original Equipment-Type Oxygen Sensors See All Reviews. 4.75. out of 5. See All 22 Reviews.

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Wideband/air-fuel sensors perform the same function as a regular O2 sensor, but they precisely measure the amount oxygen in the exhaust rather than just switching between rich (too much fuel, not enough oxygen) and lean (too much oxygen, not enough fuel). 22 Reviews for Bosch Automotive 17025 - Bosch Premium Original Equipment-Type Oxygen Sensors See All Reviews. 4.75.
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Art. nr/Part no. Ersätter/Replaces. Info.

0258017025 Oxygen Sensor Lambda Sensor 5 Wire 17025 LSU 4.9

Tandantal, 9. Nominell effekt [kW], 1,4. för fabrikat, Bosch. antal gänghål, 0. Specifikation, Replace gearbox bush. Antal fästhål, 3  39 Boretti.

Ships fast! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! Bosch OE# 0-001-107-423 Starter Starter - Bosch PMGR 1.1kW/12 Volt, CW, 9-Tooth Pinion Used On: (2009-08) BMW 128i 3.0L (2009-08) BMW 135i 3.0L carries all the most popular Bosch and NTK wideband oxygen sensors for use with air fuel meters and oe replacement vehicle applications. To date, Bosch has produced 1 billion Oxygen Sensors.