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A repository containing useful scripts that deal with data from Open Data Philly. inct2pg. Written in Python 3.6.5; Takes a PostgreSQL connection string, a schema name, and a table name as inputs. Uses HTTP request to grab csv of the crime incidents data and puts it into a spatial table.
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Click this icon to be linked to the metadata page for any dataset. Help . Feedback Bienvenido a Open Data Philly, el portal público que facilita datos de Filadelfia.OpenDataPhilly es un portal que proporciona acceso a datos referentes a la These counts may not coincide exactly with data that is submitted to the Uniformed Crime Reporting (UCR) system. Note: All figures presented are based on preliminary Philadelphia Police Department crime data.
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Access to data, like City payments, property assessments, and 311 service requests makes government more transparent. The CityGeo staff help departments publish their data and offer: Best practices around data quality and data privacy. Open Data Philly posts troubling new data on illegal tobacco sales to minors in Philadelphia October 8, 2020 Hans Kellner Board of Health, Department of Public Health By Ryan Coffman, Tobacco Policy and Control Program Manager, Philadelphia Department of Public Health OpenDataPhillyis a catalog of open data resources, APIs and applications. The project launched during Philly Tech Week 2011 and was developed by Azavea with funding from the William Penn Foundation through NPower and conceived with strategy from Philly and OpenAcccessPhilly. Coverage (50 posts) Shooting Victims.
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2018 data: This dataset was developed as part of an Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) assessment for Philadelphia,Pennsylvania. It shows how tree canopy changed during the period OpenDataPhilly is a catalog of open data resources, APIs and applications. The project launched during Philly Tech Week 2011 and was developed by Azavea with funding from the William Penn Foundation through NPower and conceived with strategy from Philly and OpenAcccessPhilly. Please note that the dataset below is a snapshot of data captured at one time and does not receive regular updates. is the most comprehensive list of open data portals in the world. It is curated by a group of leading open data experts from around the world - including representatives from local, regional and national governments, international organisations such as the World Bank, and numerous NGOs. In April of 2012, Mayor Nutter established a formal open data policy for the City of Philadelphia with Executive Order 1-12. The resources listed here can be used to access open data from the City of Philadelphia, and describe the efforts we are undertaking to make more data available to the public. Shooting Victims. Criminal Shooting Victims and Officer Involved Shootings from 1/1/15 Through Yesterday Welcome to Open Data Philly, the public portal that connects people with Philly data.