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avslutning {utr.} more_vert. Den utgör slut - och hörnpunkten i en likriktningspolitik som bedrivs från Kreml och av president Putin själv. closure (även: breakup, close, commencement, completion, conclusion, end, ending, finalisation, finish, finishing) volume_up. avslutning {utr.} more_vert. closure på svenska - Engelska - Svenska Ordbok | Glosbe.

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to close (även: to bar , to block , to cancel , to disconnect , to obstruct , to shut , to stop , to switch off , to turn off ) Självkallande funktioner kallas ibland för "closures" vilket är förvirrande, så kalla dem bara för självkallande-funktioner eller funktioner-som-anropar-sig-själv, eller Engelska "self calling function". "Closures" i JavaScript. I JavaScript och många andra programmerings-språk finns det något som kallas för "closure".

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away or burned up following the closure of a particular iron- or steelworks. This report concerns a study which was initially conducted for the Swedish Nuclear Power To get an overall impression of the general structural setting of a landscape, Post-closure safety assessments for nuclear waste repositories involve  For your own sake and for the sake of others: Stay at home if you have the slightest symptoms; Keep your distance in all situations; Meet only the  High volume of shipments, severe weather, COVID 19 closures, and an increase for which we do not require your consent and the cookies you have selected.
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The slim roof build up provides elegant detailing and closures at the ridge and FOAMGLAS® is proven to have long lasting thermal performance, there will be  ENSwedish rye flour sifted. The flour mixture is 60% wheat and about 40% rye. It also contains barley. Make your own bread at home with the best Swedish flour. Apply this meeting minutes format to take notes that help everyone get the information Closure. Make your notes glanceable by adding a brief summary of the  I can say that this book closes out this storyline well and the reader does get closure.

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Definition of closure. 1 : an act of closing : the condition of being closed closure of the eyelids business closures the closure of the factory. 2 : an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality victims needing closure also : something (such as a satisfying ending) that provides such a sense.

Internationella Engelska Skolan welcomes the Swedish parliament's decision today Schools should have a calm environment where teachers can teach and  Every year, all the UN Agencies celebrate the World Food Day on October 16, the day on which the FAO was founded in 1945. It is celebrated to raise public  EU Blue Card, if more than 90 days have passed. The Swedish Migration Agency will in four weeks either conclude your case or refuse your request. You can  Johan Spännare från vår dricksvattengrupp berättar om "Ökat fokus på reservoarer och modellering" den 23 mars kl 09:35. Läs om Future City  Translation for 'to plunge into' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many have suffered tie-ups, lay-offs, emergency closures, decommissioning and  Check with local agents in Sweden for store hours, restrictions, and closures if you need to send money using cash.