Faculty of Engineering, LTH - Research Outputs - Lund


Faculty of Engineering, LTH - Research Outputs - Lund

The greatest CD yield (21.1%, w/w) was achieved from a one-pot dual enzyme reaction at 40 °C for 24 h. Amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger (Spirizyme Fuel) and CGTase from Thermoanaerobacter sp. (Toruzyme 3.0 L) were kindly donated by Novozymes A/S. CGTase from Bacillus macerans (CGTase Amano) was kindly supplied by Amano Enzyme Inc. Pure amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger (ref. 10115) was purchased from Sigma. The synthesis of curcumin oligosaccharides was performed by incubating the reaction mixture (10 mL) containing 0.2 mmol of curcumin d-glucoside, 5 g of soluble starch, and 200 units of CGTase from Bacillus macerans purchased from Amano Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. in 25 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) at 40 °C for 24 hours. The mixture was centrifuged at 3000 × g for 10 minutes.

Cgtase amano

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CGTase derived from Bacillus macerans was obtained as a kind gift from Amano Enzyme, Inc., Nagoya, Japan, in a stock solution that was used as supplied and stored at 5 °C. Water was purified on a Merck Millipore Synergy UV water purification system prior to use. Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from B. macerans (CGTase, EC with activity of 600 U/ml was purchased from Amano Enzyme Inc., Japan. Water soluble potato starch was purchased from Sigma, Malaysia. Isolation of CNF support The isolation process of CNF consists of several steps of alkaline process and high-intensity ultrasonication. Kenaf A produção de CDs foi feita usando a enzima ciclodextrina glucosiltransferase (CGTase E. C., proveniente de Bacillus macerans, da Amano Intemational Enzyme, a 50°C e a avaliação dos resultados foi feito através de HPLC (High Performance Chromatography Liquid). amylase and a CGTase are combined more glucose is generated from starch than would obtained from AMANO International Enzyme Co., Inc. (USA).

Faculty of Engineering, LTH - Research Outputs - Lund

4. Ciclomaltodextrin. Glucanotransferasa.

Cgtase amano

Faculty of Engineering, LTH - Research Outputs - Lund

To a solution containing resveratrol 3-β-glucoside (2) … In our work, the CGTase from Thermoanaerobacter sp.

Cgtase amano

CGTase (Paenibacillus macerans) was purchased from Amano Enzyme Inc. Resveratrol 3-maltoside (8) and resveratrol 4′-β-maltoside (9) were produced individually as fol-lows. To a solution containing resveratrol 3-β-glucoside (2) or resveratrol 4′-β-glucoside (3) (0.1mmol) and (Toruzyme 3.0L) worked better than that from Bacillus macerans (CGTase Amano). The transglycosylation activity of CGTase is well reported, as it is able to glucosylate other phenolic compounds such The enzyme from Thermoanaerobacter sp.
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Cgtase amano

Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase from B. macerans (CGTase, EC with activity of 600 U/ml was purchased from Amano Enzyme Inc., Japan. Water soluble potato starch was purchased from Sigma, Malaysia. Isolation of CNF support The isolation process of CNF consists of several steps of alkaline process and high-intensity ultrasonication. Kenaf A produção de CDs foi feita usando a enzima ciclodextrina glucosiltransferase (CGTase E. C., proveniente de Bacillus macerans, da Amano Intemational Enzyme, a 50°C e a avaliação dos resultados foi feito através de HPLC (High Performance Chromatography Liquid).

Two glycosylation products 3 and 4 were isolated by the preparative HPLC on a YMC-Pack R&D ODS column. We are grateful for the kind gift of the CGTase enzyme isolated from Bacillus macerans provided by Amano Enzyme Inc., Nagoya, Japan. We thank the Villum Foundation and Carlsberg Foundation for financial support. 7KLV (OHFWURQLF6XSSOHPHQWDU\0DWHULDO (6, IRU&KHP&RPP MRXUQDOLV 7KH 5R\DO 6RFLHW\RI&KHPLVWU\ La CGTase Amano synthétise très tôt l'alpha-D puis ette production diminué en faveur de la béta-D et des oligosaccharides linéaires.

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Institutioner vid LTH - Forskningsoutput - Lunds universitet

Närproducerade, ekologiska råvaror och viner av högsta kvalité brinner vi för. Färsk gös direkt från Hjälmaren, lokalt plockad svamp och oljor från Julita är bara ett par exempel. In our work, the CGTase from Thermoanaerobacter sp. (Toruzyme 3.0 L) gave a higher yield than that from Bacillus macerans (CGTase Amano). In contrast with the CGTase from Bacillus macerans (the HPLC chromatogram showed four different compounds with increasing concentration, indicating the formation of the so‐called analogous series, Figure 2 glycosyltransferase (CGTase) gave rise to a significant formation of glycosylated products.

Faculty of Engineering, LTH - Research Outputs - Lund

One unit of trans- CIs by the action of CGTase. The reaction condition for synthesis of branched CI was as follows; 4.5 g of maltose, 1.0 g of CI-7, 10 ml of 100 mM acetate buffer (pH 5.5), 85 ml of deionized water, and 3 ml of CGTase solution (300 U/ml) were mixed and incubated at 40t for 24 h. コンテンツ説明文 회사명 : 바이오시스 / 대표 : 박동주 / 주소 : 부산광역시 해운대구 달맞이길62번길 3 (한신빌딩 4층) / tel : 051-746-7605 / fax : 051-746-7607 The present invention provides a method for producing isoquercitrin, α-glycosylisoquercitrin, and rhamnose, the method comprising a step of naringin-degrading enzyme treatment during the isoquercitrin production from rutin in the presence of an edible component, such as gelatin, wheat gluten, chitosan, lecithin, a glycerol fatty acid ester, xanthan gum, carrageenan, sodium chondroitin sulfate Brevibacterium sp.No.9605株の生産するγ-CGTaseの性質と利用 森 茂治 , 大矢 隆一 , 北畑 寿美雄 応用糖質科学 44(2), 185-194, 1997 (CGTase'), starches and maltodextrin are converted into a mixture of cyclodextrins [cyclomalto-oligosaccharides; cyclic (1-+4)-:X-D-glucans;CDs] and non-cyclic malto-oligo­ saccharides. In the absence of compounds capable of forming inclusion compounds with CDs, the non-cyclic products are normally favoured; overall yields of CD are Amano, Kungsgatan 1, Örebro. Närproducerade, ekologiska råvaror och viner av högsta kvalité brinner vi för. Färsk gös direkt från Hjälmaren, lokalt plockad svamp och oljor från Julita är bara ett par exempel. A bacterium that secretes maltooligosaccharide-forming amylase in a medium containing 12.5% (vol/vol) dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was isolated and identified as Brachybacterium sp.

CGTase) catalyzes four different reactions: cyclization, Furthermore, CGTase can catalyze from Amano Enzyme Inc. (Aichi, Japan) and had a specific. Resumen: Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an enzyme that produces cyclodextrins Bacillus megaterium CGTase produces those three types of CDs, however, β-CD should prevail. Fichero, Descripción, Tamaño, Formato. Abstract: An industrial enzyme, Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase), was immobilised in polyvinyl macerans was purchased from Amano Enzyme, Inc.,. order CGTase particles from aqueous suspension was demonstrated. CGTase Amano Enzyme, Inc. (Japan), and was used without further purifi- cation. 天野エンザイム株式会社は、独自の製品・サービスを世界に発信、人々の未来に 貢献いたします。 β-glucosidase and cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase).