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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 Gillis Lundgren arbetade på Ikea sedan 1953 då han blev den fjärde anställda på det då tioåriga företaget. Från att ha blivit anställd för att jobba med Ikea-katalogen blev han snabbt en uppskattad designer och har under sitt arbetsliv formgivit hundratals Ikea-möbler, däribland hurtsen, Tore (1958) och bokhyllan Billy (1979). Gillis Lundgren var då företagets fjärde anställda. 1979 designade han bokhyllan Billy. När bokhyllan firade 30 år hade den sålts i över 40 miljoner exemplar, världen över.
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Not only did he design BILLY (which IKEA makes 15 of every single minute), he is also credited with in… An ‘Impala’ easy chair designed by Gillis Lundgren for IKEA, with tubular steel frame and the curved seat upholstered in a vibrant red fabric. Made by Bröderna Granstrand, Skillingaryd, for IKEA. Only sold in 1972. Gillis Lundgren (1929 – 2016) was a Swedish furniture designer, born in … 4,538 Likes, 60 Comments - IKEA USA (@ikeausa) on Instagram: “In memory of Gillis Lundgren, designer of the iconic #IKEA BILLY bookcase. Thank you for helping us…” Gillis Lundgren har designat många välkända IKEA favoriter, däribland bokhyllan Billy som kom till 1979, sedan dess har 41 miljoner Billy bokhyllor sålts runt om i världen. 090.178.31 BILLY / MORLIDEN - product description -Adjustable shelves can be arranged according to your needs. -Narrow shelves help you use small wall spaces effectively by accommodating small items in a minimum of space.
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Hans tomtstorlek är ca 34137 kvm. Stockholms Auktionsverk Online 827425. GILLIS LUNDGREN, Impala, fåtölj, IKEA, modellen formgiven 1972, gul djuphäftad plyschklädsel på förkromad metallstomme, underrede samt bakre tvärslå i bemålat 2016-dec-08 - Stockholms Auktionsverk Online 428419.
BILLY Bokhylla, vitlaserad ekfaner, 240x28x106 cm - IKEA
Gillis Lundgren, designer of Billy, was the fourth person to be hired by IKEA in 1953. Apparently it was 7.
1979. photo Gillis Lundgren, a pioneer in RTA furniture and designer at IKEA, designed the. BILLY
15 Mar 2016 Gillis Lundgren, who designed Ikea's logo, over 200 Ikea products, He also designed the minimalist Billy bookcase, which Ikea produces at a
29 Jan 2019 proud, Ikea is toasting to the 40th anniversary of its Billy bookcase by Designed by one of Ikea's first employees, Gillis Lundgren—a man who
宜家功臣BILLY毕利之父-Gillis Lundgren (5). Back to Top ↑. zakka 丹麦 产品设计 公寓 创意 北欧 北欧正品 北欧风情 北欧风格 工业设计 日本 杂货 椅子 灯饰 现代
2016. márc.
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BILLY. Bookcase.
GILLIS LUNDGREN, för IKEA, soffbord, 'Impala', designår 1972, höjd ca 29, 139x95
Designer: Gillis Lundgren Browse our collection of products from the designer Gillis Lundgren to get ideas for your home remodeling, garden or outdoors project. Showing 1 - 4 of 4
Gillis Lundgren arbetade på Ikea sedan 1953 då han blev den fjärde anställda på det då tioåriga företaget.
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15 sätt att inreda med bokhyllan Billy Bokhylla - Pinterest
März 2016 Gillis Lundgren war nicht nur der Erfinder des "Billy"-Regals - der Schwede ersann auch das flache Ikea-Paket und war der vierte Angestellte View more product information Discover BILLY collection. Size 80x28x202 cm Designer Gillis Lundgren (1929-2016). "When I got the assignment to design a View more product information Discover BILLY collection. Size 80x28x202 cm Designer Gillis Lundgren (1929-2016).
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9. Gillis Lundgren még február 25-én hunyt el, de a halálhírt csak kedden közölte az IKEA Németország szóvivője. „Számtalan ötletéből nagyon 10 Mar 2016 He designed scores of Ikea products, including the ''Billy'' bookcase in the late 1970s. Mr. Lundgren said he first drew the simple design on a Designer Gillis Lundgren (1929-2016) "When I got the assignment to design a simple, functional and smart storage for books, I couldn't have imagined that Billy is a bookcase sold by the Swedish furniture company IKEA. It was developed in 1979 by the Swedish designer Gillis Lundgren and IKEA have sold over 60 Gillis Lundgren med flertalet Billy-bokhyllor.
márc. 9. Gillis Lundgren még február 25-én hunyt el, de a halálhírt csak kedden közölte az IKEA Németország szóvivője. „Számtalan ötletéből nagyon 10 Mar 2016 He designed scores of Ikea products, including the ''Billy'' bookcase in the late 1970s. Mr. Lundgren said he first drew the simple design on a Designer Gillis Lundgren (1929-2016) "When I got the assignment to design a simple, functional and smart storage for books, I couldn't have imagined that Billy is a bookcase sold by the Swedish furniture company IKEA. It was developed in 1979 by the Swedish designer Gillis Lundgren and IKEA have sold over 60 Gillis Lundgren med flertalet Billy-bokhyllor.