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Overview. Master of Science in Information Technology (For admission on or after 2019/20) Our Master of Science in Information Technology (MScIT) programme is a new programme offering taught postgraduate computing education in Hong Kong, which is designed to nurture IT professionals and leaders for the long-term benefit of Hong Kong. Graduate Programmes. UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science offer a variety of taught modular and research graduate programmes. Taught Graduate Programmes Dietetics. MSc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics (Pre-registration entry to practice - Full Time) For programmes in Dietetics please contact: Tel: +353 1 716 3462 Do you want to find a postgraduate taught course or a postgraduate research course? Find your postgraduate study at the University of Warwick.

Taught programmes and research

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There are essentially two different types of postgraduate study: taught programmes and research or doctoral degrees. We offer a full range of postgraduate programmes at both taught, research and doctoral level. The information below gives you an overview of taught postgraduate study options. Taught postgraduate programmes at Kent are delivered and assessed by a structured timetable of modules. Taught programmes, in contrast, focus on coursework. These programmes generally do not require students to submit a thesis. Our research postgraduate programmes have more veteran professors who excel in scholarly studies, while our taught postgraduate programmes have more part-time teachers with abundant working experience in the industry.

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They are divided in to two sections. Latin American Studies MRes. Programme duration: Full-time: 1 year Part-time: 2 years Programme start: Autumn 2021 Entry requirements: The normal requirement for entry on to a taught programme is a BA or BSc degree of 2:1 standard in a subject relevant to the proposed field of research. Apply; Meet us Postgraduate Taught Student Awards.

Taught programmes and research

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The CUHK’s research programmes focus mainly on research work and require applicants to have sound research background. Students need to submit a thesis and pass the oral defense conducted by the Thesis Assessment Committee in order to graduate.

Taught programmes and research

A taught postgrad is largely like an undergraduate degree. Lecture based tutorials, labs, seminars, etc. It's an extension of the knowledge and skils gained in undergraduate degrees, usually with a small component of research. Most of your grade will come from examinations. 2021-04-09 · Most taught programmes at Bristol lead to a master’s qualification (eg MA, MSc, MEd, LLM), which combines taught units with a research project. These programmes typically last one year full-time or two years part-time.
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Taught programmes and research

Programmes and courses. Programmes and courses taught in English are shown below.

attending all classes (lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory sessions); ii.
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units taught over only one term, otherwise four weeks for those taught over two terms or for a programme as a whole and research degrees) by: i. attending all classes (lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory sessions); ii. submitting all required coursework by the deadlines set; iii. attending all required formative and summative assessments.

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The difference between postgraduate taught programmes and research programmes largely comes down to the level of independence you have during your studies. Taught Masters degrees are a lot like undergraduate programmes. You’ll complete a series of modules following a set timetable of seminars, lectures and other activities.

submitting all required coursework by the deadlines set; iii. attending all required formative and summative assessments.