Minna Kivimäki appointed Finland's Coreper I representative


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Eu coreper ii

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Covid-19 – EU-samordning Diskussion 17. Coreper kokoontuu viikoittain. Coreper kokoontuu kahdessa kokoonpanossa (I ja II). Niiden toimialat ulottuvat koko EU:n toimialalle pois lukien maatalouskysymykset, joita valmistelee maatalouden erityiskomitea. Coreper II valmistelee seuraavien neuvoston kokoonpanojen toimintaa: yleiset asiat ja ulkosuhteet; talous- ja rahoitusasiat (Ecofin Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU 2021 is committed to transparency in all procurement processes. (COREPER II) Visit (PT) 27 - 29 May Portugal EU:s strategiska agenda för 2019–2024; Bakgrunder; EU-ordförandeskapet. Sammanfattning; Ordförandeskapet i rådet; Hållbara mötesarrangemang.


Coreper kokoontuu kahdessa kokoonpanossa (I ja II). Niiden toimialat ulottuvat koko EU:n toimialalle pois lukien maatalouskysymykset, joita valmistelee maatalouden erityiskomitea. Coreper II valmistelee seuraavien neuvoston kokoonpanojen toimintaa: yleiset asiat ja ulkosuhteet; talous- ja rahoitusasiat (Ecofin Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the EU 2021 is committed to transparency in all procurement processes. (COREPER II) Visit (PT) 27 - 29 May Portugal EU:s strategiska agenda för 2019–2024; Bakgrunder; EU-ordförandeskapet.

Eu coreper ii

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Eu coreper ii

Justice and Home Affairs) fall within the competence of Coreper II. The Permanent Representatives Committee to the EU (comprising COREPER II and COREPER I) prepare all Councils of Ministers. The former is concerned with   This site uses cookies in order to provide you with the best possible service. Agree.
Finsk stad

Eu coreper ii

Denna informella grupp hjälper till att skapa en preliminär bild av de ståndpunkter som EU-ländernas delegationer kommer att inta vid mötet i Coreper. Vad är Coreper? Coreper är ett annat namn för Ständiga representanternas kommitté. Coreper II meetings and related documents EU Presidency website. Contact.

tel +32 2 227 4357 . Hanno PARKSEPP – 3 Coreper II, rättsliga och inrikes frågor, sektionen för yttre förbindelser [email protected] +32 2 287 8418 +32 473 523 572; Emmi Suomilammi Informerande not till Coreper II 10457/2/20 REV2 JUR 18. Mål C-283/20 (Eulex Kosovo) Informerande not till Coreper II 11427/20 JUR 19. Målen C-119/19 P och C-126/19 P (rådet och kommissionen mot Carreras Sequeros m.fl.) Informerande not till Coreper II 11627/20 JUR 20.
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Coreper II - Consilium

the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER II) meetings in the Council of the European Union, which take place every week.

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Overview. (COREPER II) 30 Jun Brussels Organisation. Council of the European Union. Coreper II is composed of each member states' permanent representatives.

Coreper II, consisting of the ambassadors, deals with items pertaining to the General Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Economic and Financial Affairs and Justice and Home Affairs formations of the Council; Coreper I, consisting of the deputy permanent representatives, prepares all other Council formations. The Presidency of the Council of the European Union explained in detail. Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER II) 19 Feb Brussels Description. In the case of Portugal, the Permanent Representative is Ambassador Nuno Brito (COREPER II), the Deputy Permanent Representative is Pedro Lourtie (COREPER I) and the Permanent Representative to the Political and Security Committee is Ambassador José Fernando Costa Pereira. The Presidency of the Council of the European Union explained in detail. Overview. (COREPER II) 30 Jun Brussels Organisation.