grow smarter und das Fahrrad Institute Community Reporter
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Barcelona, Stockholm and Cologne are the first cities to be selected for the lighthouse projects. HOPPECKE supplies innovative energy storage systems for the modernisation of a residential area in Cologne. Stockholm municipality: Årsta - GrowSmarter Renovation of a residential area from the 1960s. EU project in collaboration with Barcelona and Cologne, new technology for climate-smart solutions for buildings, infrastructure and mobility. 2019-02-06 Horizon 2020 - GrowSmarter Stockholm - Cologne - Barcelona Total funding: 25 Mio EUR Per City: 7,3 Mio EUR Follower Cities: Graz, Suceava, Valetta, Porto, Cork 12 smart solutions! Annual Polis Conference | December 1st, 2016 in Rotterdam I page 4 GrowSmarter Movie Cologne.
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One year left now of this 5 year project. See you all in Cologne next year. visas i tabell 5-2. Utifrån.
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Die Stadt Köln möchte mit dem Projekt GrowSmarter den Stadtteil Mülheim als Blaupause für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung etablieren. Zu diesem Zweck hat sich Köln dem Städtekonsortium aus Stockholm und Barcelona angeschlossen, um gemeinsam Fördergelder aus dem Horizon 2020 Programm der Europäischen Union zu erhalten. Bei zahlreichen Veranstaltungen stellte sich GrowSmarter auf lokaler, nationaler sowie auf internationaler Ebene vor, in Köln zum Beispiel in Ratsausschüssen, der SmartCity Cologne Konferenz oder dem digitalen Stadtgipfel. Session summary.
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Stegerwaldsiedlung, Cologne (2017-05-24) Scale: Individual site To improve energy efficiency of existing residential buildings by 70% as part of EU Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter Project, renovation measures were undertaken. This includes building envelope insulation, high efficient windows, staircase lighting, elevator On 8 October 2019, from 14:30-17:00, the first three Smart Cities and Communities projects GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, are hosting the session “From dream to reality: sharing experiences from leading European Smart Cities” at the European Week of Regions and Cologne is one of three European cities, alongside Stockholm and Barcelona, to be chosen for the EU GrowSmarter scheme to accelerate the development of sustainable cities.
GrowSmarter shows trend-setting climate protection measures. After the implementation phase and the first results of the evaluation, the City of Cologne is very convinced of the implemented measures in the project area. German city Cologne has also taken up the challenge as one of the three Lighthouse Cities of the GrowSmarter initiative. In common with other Horizon 2020 projects, Cologne has committed itself to 12 solutions in GrowSmarter’s three areas of impact: Low Energy Districts, Integrated Infrastructures, Sustainable Urban Mobility. German city Cologne has also taken up the challenge as one of the three Lighthouse Cities of the GrowSmarter initiative. In common with other Horizon 2020 projects, Cologne has committed itself to 12 solutions in GrowSmarter’s three areas of impact: -Low Energy Districts -Integrated Infastructures -Sustainable Urban Mobility
GrowSmarter aims to stimulate city uptake of smart solutions by using the three Lighthouse cities Stockholm (Sweden), Cologne (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain) as a way to showcase 12 Smart City solutions: from advanced information and communication technology and better connected urban mobility, to incorporating renewable energy sources directly into the city’s supply network.
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This includes building envelope insulation, high efficient windows, staircase lighting, elevator and heating system. Reference framework Barcelona is one of three lighthouse cities that are integrating different solutions for a smart city in energy, infrastructure and transport within the GrowSmarter project. This project, which brings together 3 cities and different industries to integrate and demonstrate the 12 solutions for a city to become intelligent in energy, infrastructure and transport (currently Annual Polis Conference | December 1st, 2016 in Rotterdam I page 1 Cologne’s smart mobility approach in the Horizon 2020 Growsmarter Lighthouse project GrowSmarter brings together cities and industry to integrate and demonstrate ‘12 smart city solutions’ in energy, infrastructure and transport, to provide other cities with valuable insights on how they work in practice and opportunities for replication.
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Session summary. During the European Week of Regions and Cities, the first three Smart Cities and Communities projects GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, hosted the session "From dream to reality: sharing experiences from leading European Smart Cities" in which more than 150 participants took part. The GrowSmarter project forms part of the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the aim is to develop innovative solutions for the smart cities of the future.
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GrowSmarter - Combatting CO2 in Cologne Story | Podcast. SCIS Podcast Episode 2: Building Retrofit Story | Podcast. SCIS Podcast Episode 1: Bidirectional Chargers In GrowSmarter eight European cities collaborate with different environmental technology companies to test and develop 12 smart solutions for urban sustainable growth. Stockholm, Barcelona and Cologne are lighthouse cities together with the innovative technology companies in the project.
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Based on experience gained through the project, the Cities of Stockholm (Sweden), Barcelona (Spain), and Cologne (Germany), alongside their GrowSmarter project partners, have launched a new publication outlining Smart City GrowSmarter is a knowledge-gathering project for Malta. This project has two types of partners; Lighthouse Cities (Partners who will be implementing various horizontal sub-projects addressing various sectors) and Follower Cities (Partners who will be observing, and learning from, the implementation of the sub-projects by the Lighthouse Cities and gather the necessary know-how to replicate the Then, he thanked the staff in Stockholm, the cities of Cologne and Barcelona for their partnership as Lighthouse Cities, and all the partners of GrowSmarter. GrowSmarter's project coordination team Gustaf Landahl, Lisa Enarsson and Sigrid Granström, all received the award during the ceremony on behalf of the City of Stockholm and the GrowSmarter project. Stegerwaldsiedlung, Cologne (2017-05-24) Scale: Individual site To improve energy efficiency of existing residential buildings by 70% as part of EU Horizon 2020 GrowSmarter Project, renovation measures were undertaken. This includes building envelope insulation, high efficient windows, staircase lighting, elevator On 8 October 2019, from 14:30-17:00, the first three Smart Cities and Communities projects GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, are hosting the session “From dream to reality: sharing experiences from leading European Smart Cities” at the European Week of Regions and Cologne is one of three European cities, alongside Stockholm and Barcelona, to be chosen for the EU GrowSmarter scheme to accelerate the development of sustainable cities.
GrowSmarter Das EU-Projekt „GrowSmarter“, für das die Stadt Köln sich im Jahr 2014 in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der städtischen Tochtergesellschaft RheinEnergie AG und den Städten Stockholm und Barcelona erfolgreich beworben hatte, befand sich 2017 im dritten Jahr und damit im letzten Jahr der Umsetzung der Maßnahmen. “From Dream to Reality”: Leading Smart City Projects to Share Results in Brussels at EU Regions Week 2019. On 8 October 2019, from 14:30-17:00, the first three Smart Cities and Communities projects GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, are hosting the session “From dream to reality: sharing experiences from GrowSmarter aims to deliver smart innovation energy, infrastructure and mobility solutions in three Lighthouse Cities – Stockholm, Sweden, Barcelona, Spain and Cologne, France – to achieve goals such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent and creating an estimated 1,500 jobs.