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Equity-accounted investees. IAS 1.82A(b)(ii). Share of OCI. EQT-fonden EQT VII lämnar ett budpliktsbud på IFS AB på 362:50 kronor per aktie. Acceptperioden löper över årsskiftet 2015/16. Detta innebär att de aktieägare  Sista dag för handel i IFS A- och B-aktier blir fredag den 7 oktober 2016. Industrial and Financial Systems, IFS AB (publ.) (”IFS” eller ”Bolaget”) Bolagsordningen för IFS AB ger ägare till A-aktie rätt att på begäran få A-aktie omvandlad till B-aktie. Varje A-aktie medför 1,0 röst och varje  Få detaljerad information om Industrial & Financial Systems AB B (IFSb) aktie inklusive kurs, diagram, tekniska analyser, empirisk data, IFS B rapporter och  Nasdaq Stockholm AB har yttrat sig över framställningen.

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13,029 likes · 172 talking about this. IFS helps businesses be their best when it really matters. At the #MomentOfService. IFS | 69,844 followers on LinkedIn.

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Company profile page for Industrial & Financial Systems AB including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information Company profile page for IFS World Operations AB including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information IFS is the only vendor that can provide an integrated solution set across the customer’s entire operation. Darren Roos CEO. 2020 H1 Update. Financial Summary Message from the CEO. First half, January–June 2020.
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IFRS 17.82, 90. Net finance income from reinsurance contracts. 11(A). 4.

At the #MomentOfService | IFS develops and delivers enterprise software for companies around the world who manufacture and I have read and agree to the IFS Data Protection Policy.
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