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Regardless of college, all of our programs emphasize hands-on learning and real-world experience in their curriculum. Liberty University has over 600 degrees at the bachelor's master's, or doctoral level. Study at our beautiful campus in central Virginia or online from anywhere in the world! California Lutheran University seeks students who possess qualities of intellect and character, which will enable them to benefit from and contribute to the university community.

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Congratulations on your admission! View a step-by-step guide to help you plan your enrollment at Cal Lutheran. You must have a valid California University of Pennsylvania campus username to gain access to VIP (Vulcan Information Portal). For example: student John Smith's username might be smi1234. Cal Poly's six academic colleges offer more than 150 undergraduate majors and minors as well as over 50 graduate programs. Regardless of college, all of our programs emphasize hands-on learning and real-world experience in their curriculum.