Böj "godere" - italienska verb - bab.la Verbböjningar


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Conjugate also scomparire, patire, dissimulare, percorrere, sgocciolare, addolcire, stendere, tollerare, disperdere, ravvivare Conjugate the Italian verb godere in all forms and with usage examples. Godere conjugation has never been easier! Conjugate 'godere'. Conjugations of Italian verbs in all tenses. At OnlineItalianClub.com see free explanations of the main Italian tenses and how they work. Conjugation table of the Italian verb godere with translations in various languages.

Godere conjugation

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Konjugation Verb godere auf Italienisch: Partizip, Präteritum, Indikativ, unregelmäßige Verben. Definition und die Übersetzung im Kontext von godere Conjugaison du verbe italien godere. Verbe du 2ème groupe - Le verbe godere est transitif, intransitif (auxiliaire avere) Le verbe godere peut se conjuguer à la forme pronominale : godersi. godere féminin. Konjugation von godere, Tabellen von allen italienischen Verben. ⇑ Cactus2000 Impressum Datenschutz Suchen Spenden Email Italienische Konjugationstabellen Coniugazione del verbo godere - Coniugare godere Coniugazione del verbo godere Verbo dlei seconda coniugazione - il verbo godere è transitivo, intransitivo (ausiliare avere) Il verbo godere può essere coniugato nlei forma pronominale : godersi Conjugación verbo godere italiano: presente, futuro, participio.

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form, intransitivo. auxiliary verb  The conjugation of genießen in subjunctive I is: ich genieße, du genießest, assaporare, gustare, gustarsi, godere, godersi, apprezzare, beneficiare, fruire  godere. It is conjugated like: credere *Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to the model.

Godere conjugation

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bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation 2020-09-15 · show Conjugation of godere. infinitive. godere. auxiliary verb.

Godere conjugation

Indicativo (Indicative) Presente (Present) io mi godo tu ti godi lui si gode noi ci godiamo voi vi godete loro si godono.
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Godere conjugation

An essential tool for students! Feb 28, 2020 Learn how to conjugate the Italian verb godere, which means to be delighted (at or by), to rejoice (at or over), or to have an orgasm.

At OnlineItalianClub.com see free explanations of the main Italian tenses and how they work. Conjugation table of the Italian verb godere with translations in various languages. Conjugation of the Italian verb "godere" This table shows the conjugation of the Italian verb "godere". The Italian verb ‘godere’ is a second conjugation verb that means “to enjoy”.
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njuta - translation - Swedish-Italian Dictionary - Glosbe


njuta - translation - Swedish-Italian Dictionary - Glosbe

IT Italienisch Konjugation von godere. Gesamte Verbformen: 92.

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